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 PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave

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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 10:37 am

arms wrote:
haha..tenkiu paskaux atas info tu..macam tu rupenye..
tapi aku dah ada barrel j&j 20''..err, same panjang ngn GGK x?

arms, barrel 20" hang tu buleh masuk SO ker?
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Sergeant First Class
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 11:28 am

xsure lah alpha, boleh kot
sebab sekarang tgh pakai kat marker member aku a5
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 11:35 am

arms wrote:
xsure lah alpha, boleh kot
sebab sekarang tgh pakai kat marker member aku a5

kalau macam tu.. aku nak laaa... aku nak pinjam.. hehehehehehe..
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 11:56 am

nnt testing janganlah menyumpah tak tentu hala bila ianya tidak seperti diharapkan....bila denga arms bli barrel 2 jenis, aku terfikir arms nie sebenarnya apa posisi dlm woodball? support atau frontline atau ambusher?

tapi duit sendiri, aku xnak komen sangat le...apa hak aku nak komen duit org...namun kata2 Tottis dan paskau ade benar gak....semoga berbaloi bila dibli dan try /test /error to the max...

jika aku, barrel biasa pun dah ok...bergantung cara kita handle marker dan sense yg kita ada...

mengingatkan aku pada marker lama aku sendiri smartpart eos masa 1st time datang ke PBV, dalam satu hari je marker aku dh own 6 org dan pakai barrel biasa je...
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 12:06 pm

barel biasa pun kena ada marker dulu baru boleh pakai barel tu hehehe
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 12:11 pm

ggk wrote:
barel biasa pun kena ada marker dulu baru boleh pakai barel tu hehehe

taktau la kalau nak buat sumpit pulak.....
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 3:15 pm

SgtKurtz wrote:
nnt testing janganlah menyumpah tak tentu hala bila ianya tidak seperti diharapkan....bila denga arms bli barrel 2 jenis, aku terfikir arms nie sebenarnya apa posisi dlm woodball? support atau frontline atau ambusher?

tapi duit sendiri, aku xnak komen sangat le...apa hak aku nak komen duit org...namun kata2 Tottis dan paskau ade benar gak....semoga berbaloi bila dibli dan try /test /error to the max...

jika aku, barrel biasa pun dah ok...bergantung cara kita handle marker dan sense yg kita ada...

mengingatkan aku pada marker lama aku sendiri smartpart eos masa 1st time datang ke PBV, dalam satu hari je marker aku dh own 6 org dan pakai barrel biasa je...

aduh jgn la citer pasal duit kat sini..huhu
aku bercerita pasal keghairahan dan kerakusan untuk memiliki barrel aje..
same je lah macam korang punye nafsu dan kerakusan memiliki model2 tamiya..haha
kalau nak cerita pasal spend duit, koleksi2 model tu pon duit juga..lg dasat..haha

kalau aku setakat nak pakai barrel yg std xde lah aku nak mintak tolong bg info pasal barrel kat sini..haha..agak2 kalau dah xnak, aku tolak la kat sesape yg nak pakai..sekurang2nye aku dah puas hati test..haha..samelah macam koleksi2 model yg dah xnak pastu mesti nak jual rolling duit angkat lain kan?huhu

haha..ko ni pon bagi lah aku info perbezaan barrel ni, jgn lah kondem aku membazir beli barrel xtentu arah pastu nak kene ikut posisi aku kat mana dalam woodsball..haha
aku main pon for fun je, so barrels that im own also for fun only..haha

dan sbb tu juga aku angkat BT yg dah complete sebab dah xleh nak upgrade accessories lain, baru la nafsu tu dapat dikawal..kalau aku angkat x7 dah tentu aku membazir beli macam2 nak upgrade nanti..haha

yg penting keperluan dan kehendak sama belen..haha

ok2..sile bg info lagi berkenaan barrel2 ni..setakat ni info dari paskaux n tottis bermanfaat
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syark the ghost
Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 4:23 pm

arms berceramah...kekekekek..bagi hak masing nk belanja duit..hak anda..kepuasan kita berkerja di bayar ngan hobi yang kita minat tue sangat2 berbaloi...

bab marker kurtz tue...aku x pernah kena tapi yang pasti SO aku dulu pernah tapow kurtz habis2 san... belum lagi X7 phenom den Very Happy
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 4:30 pm

haha..betul la tu syark..aku bukan nak ceramah sebenarnye..aku nak info aje..haha

tapi aku still kagum dgn skill ko mase pakai SO dulu..2bijik mata aku menyaksikan segala2nya masa covering fire untuk
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 4:52 pm

betul arms..duit blakang kire...kalo mau tu angkat saja..aku pun sama..papehal angkat dulu duit bole cari lain ehehee...aku rase aku ngan tottis dah bg byk info tu..bkn takat reka2..kisah benar nie...ehehee
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syark the ghost
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 4:58 pm

paskau x dan tottis nie kita anggap depa nie sami di kuil paintball..2 2 botak licin kekekekekeke.... beli je arms..nnt dah ada kasi up kita punyer team..sekarang Tim blackcell PP bukan cikai2 dah ek..bilangan marker rental pun dah berkurangan berikutan hmpr semua tim PP ada marker sendiri skrag,,sekalung tahniah diucapkan Very Happy
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Sergeant First Class
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:32 pm

paskau_x wrote:
betul arms..duit blakang kire...kalo mau tu angkat saja..aku pun sama..papehal angkat dulu duit bole cari lain ehehee...aku rase aku ngan tottis dah bg byk info tu..bkn takat reka2..kisah benar nie...ehehee

tq bro atas info..memang betul cakap paskau n tottis..haha
tadi pas solat jumaat test marker jap pakai straightline..setting rampagn, pallet memang accurate..then test setting ke full auto, memang ada beberapa bijik pallet yg pecah sebelum kene target sbb hentam sesama sendiri..haha
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:34 pm

syark the ghost wrote:
paskau x dan tottis nie kita anggap depa nie sami di kuil paintball..2 2 botak licin kekekekekeke.... beli je arms..nnt dah ada kasi up kita punyer team..sekarang Tim blackcell PP bukan cikai2 dah ek..bilangan marker rental pun dah berkurangan berikutan hmpr semua tim PP ada marker sendiri skrag,,sekalung tahniah diucapkan Very Happy

ya betul ckp syark tu........tahniah diucapkan kt warga pp blackcell......

syark,aku dh completekan project cocking handle yg grk bile kite tekan picunye.......

style gile ar.....bende nie cume leh wat kt a5 ngan x7 lama je......sorry yek kt phenom hang...... Very Happy
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:37 pm

klu nk tgk,tggu kt pbv nnt....klu sesape nk wat bende nie bleh ar hanta kt aku....upah nnt kite cite....... Very Happy
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Sergeant First Class
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:40 pm

pergh..mende tu boleh gerak ke?camne ko buat?salurkan gas atau buat tapak sambung kat handle yg belakang tu? sile la upload video..huhu

syark memang impikan real combat lah..haha
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:43 pm

arms wrote:
pergh..mende tu boleh gerak ke?camne ko buat?salurkan gas atau buat tapak sambung kat handle yg belakang tu? sile la upload video..huhu

syark memang impikan real combat lah..haha

soorrrrryy ar arms,mende nie x leh diuploadkan dlu,mesti mau tgk 1st hand pbv nnt.klu nk jugak nnt aku uploadkan sample video 2 yek

kpd syark,hang pnye xleh wat bab xde cocking handle.....hang pnye lastest version utk tippmann x7..... Very Happy
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 5:54 pm

arms wrote:
pergh..mende tu boleh gerak ke?camne ko buat?salurkan gas atau buat tapak sambung kat handle yg belakang tu? sile la upload video..huhu

syark memang impikan real combat lah..haha

nie sample video......
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 6:07 pm

Shocked cyclops
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 6:11 pm

amcm arms,style x?
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 6:19 pm

takeru@2112 wrote:

syark,aku dh completekan project cocking handle yg grk bile kite tekan picunye.......

style gile ar.....bende nie cume leh wat kt a5 ngan x7 lama je......sorry yek kt phenom hang...... Very Happy

Takeru, aku cuma dgr otai2 bgtau aku dulu..sbbnye aku dulu pun nk wat gak..syok tgk ade org cocker die ikut sekali gerak bile aku dinasehatkan jgn buat..sbb ianya akan kurangkan perfomance...betul ker?tp bile aku tgk mechanical A5 & X7 nie ade kebenaran die gak..
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 6:42 pm


bende nie xde masalah x silap aku.....bab org yg cipta nie org die ckp xde effect ape2 dgn nie aku percaya kt die 100%.aku cume test fire without pellet je kelmarin,lg pun aku xder chrono dan hpa(dh abih buat trial n error).....bende nie leh convert blk pd yg asal.... Very Happy

hopefully xder masalah mcm otai2 en.paskaux ckp lah....

(takut gak bile dgr en.paskaux ckp).....hehehehehehe confused
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Command Sergeant Major
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 6:56 pm

takeru@2112 wrote:

bende nie xde masalah x silap aku.....bab org yg cipta nie org die ckp xde effect ape2 dgn nie aku percaya kt die 100%.aku cume test fire without pellet je kelmarin,lg pun aku xder chrono dan hpa(dh abih buat trial n error).....bende nie leh convert blk pd yg asal.... Very Happy

hopefully xder masalah mcm otai2 en.paskaux ckp lah....

(takut gak bile dgr en.paskaux ckp).....hehehehehehe confused

nanti malam kita test, aku jadi tikus makmal....

pakai menatang tu dengan tak yang mana sakit...

lepas test payung aku kat kak ana kampung jawa

***makan free aku malam nih
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syark the ghost
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 8:26 pm

aku nk join sekaki kakakka
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 9:10 pm

world cup tu esok kan?

korang pegi tak esok?
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave   PP Paintball Warrior- OPS Batu Cave - Page 38 EmptyFri Nov 19, 2010 9:29 pm

salam malam syark;

takpe....aku faham sangat waktu ko tapau aku dulu.....akan datang atau bila kene pada masanya, turn aku lak tapau ko....aku tunggu je masa itu kelak
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