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 Dead Snow (2009)

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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 5:47 pm

Dead Snow (2009) Deadsnowg

bukan citer perang...tapi ada kaitan dengan askar jerman(NAZI) aku anggap jer la ada kaitan dgn military...aku baru layan semalam DVD nyer...

The movie opens with a woman (Ane Dahl Torp) being chased through the snows of Norway. She is finally cornered and eaten by zombies in World War II German uniforms.

The movie then moves to seven medical students on Easter vacation. They arrive at a small cabin near Øksfjord, about a 45-minute walk from the road where they have left their cars. The cabin is owned by Sara, another student who is the girlfriend of Vegard (Lasse Valdal), the student in the main group with the most knowledge of the wilderness. She has been skiing across the mountains to meet them, but has not yet arrived.

They drink and party until a mysterious hiker (Bjørn Sundquist) arrives. He tells them the dark history of the region; during World War II, a force of Einsatzgruppen led by the dreaded Standartenführer Herzog occupied the area. During three long years the Nazis abused and tortured the local people, and near the end of the war, with Germany's defeat looming, looted all their valuables before starting to withdraw from the area. The citizens managed to stage an uprising and ambushed the Nazis, killing many. The surviving Nazis, including Herzog, were chased into the mountains, and it was assumed that they all froze to death. The hiker says the area still has an evil reputation. He leaves to continue on his way. Later the hiker is murdered by zombies while camped in the snow.

The next morning Sara has still not arrived and Vegard takes the group's snowmobile to look for her. He finds the body of the hiker in his tent, but then falls through snow into a cave below.

The other students find an old wooden box filled with valuables and German decorations hidden under the floor. They consider taking and selling it, but eventually put it back, although some of them keep items. After it gets dark, one of the students, Chris (Jenny Skavlan), goes to the outhouse, but is murdered while on the toilet. The others go outside to look for her; they do not find her, but do find Sara's rucksack buried in the snow.

A little later, Chris's severed head appears at the window - the zombies have arrived. Erlend (Jeppe Laursen) is murdered before the remaining students manage to seal the cabin windows and door and survive the night.

The following morning, Vegard comes round in the cave. He discovers World War II German firearms and helmets and a swastika flag, as well as Sara's severed head; she was the woman being pursued at the beginning of the film. He is attacked by zombies, but manages to escape from the cave. He is badly bitten in the neck by one zombie, but manages to escape on the snowmobile, which he equips with an MG 34 machine gun.

Meanwhile, the remaining four students in the cabin have decided to split up. The two men, Martin (Vegar Hoel) and Roy (Stig Frode Henriksen), attempt to distract the zombies, while the two women, Hanna (Charlotte Frogner) and Liv (Evy Kasseth Røsten), run for the cars and go for help. Martin and Roy hole up in the cabin, but then accidentally set fire to it with molotov cocktails. They then discover that the shed next to the cabin contains a chainsaw, hammers and axes and equip themselves.

The main group of zombies attacks. Martin and Roy manage to fight them off, aided by Vegard, who returns on the snowmobile. Vegard is killed during the fighting however and Martin accidentally kills his girlfriend Hanna, who has not managed to reach the cars (Liv has already been killed by the zombies). Herzog (Ørjan Gamst) arrives with another group of zombies, including SS men, but Martin and Roy also manage to fight them off. Martin is bitten on the arm and cuts it off with the chainsaw to avoid turning into a zombie. Herzog then raises many other zombies from all around and the two students run. Roy falls and is killed.

Martin finally realises that the zombies are after their loot and runs to the burnt-out remains of the cabin. He gives the box of loot to Herzog and runs for the cars. The zombies do not appear to follow him. However, on reaching the car, a coin falls out of Martin's pocket. Swearing, he looks round to see Herzog smashing the car window.
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mr. kurien
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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 6:47 pm

gile la zombie german. Aku rasa kalau betul la ada zombie german ni, gerenti amerika kalah perang. Hahahaha
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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptySun Apr 04, 2010 8:36 pm

mr. kurien wrote:
gile la zombie german. Aku rasa kalau betul la ada zombie german ni, gerenti amerika kalah perang. Hahahaha

hahahahahha...tau takper....klu German menang...maunyer Tanah Melayu kena wat salute Sieg Heil Laughing gak la citer ni...mmg brutal la diorg kena bunuh dgn zombie tu...ada gak lawaknyer citer ni...tapi citer norway...diorg ckp norway la...
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Command Sergeant Major
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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptyWed Apr 14, 2010 1:30 pm

mengarut btol cite nih.. adehh..
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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptyWed Apr 14, 2010 2:54 pm

sorry ubah topik sikit,putera darul takzim betul ke kau kene tipu pasal beli airsoft
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptyWed Apr 14, 2010 6:11 pm

mohdashraf5b wrote:
sorry ubah topik sikit,putera darul takzim betul ke kau kene tipu pasal beli airsoft

Guna PM le bro.
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Command Sergeant Major
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PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptyThu Apr 15, 2010 9:08 am


apapon2, rating 2/5
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Age : 2023

Dead Snow (2009) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dead Snow (2009)   Dead Snow (2009) EmptyFri Apr 16, 2010 7:10 pm

mohdashraf5b wrote:
sorry ubah topik sikit,putera darul takzim betul ke kau kene tipu pasal beli airsoft

Guna PM le bro.[/quo

sorry terlupa
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