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Oberstgruppenfuhrer Anwar
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed May 26, 2010 9:07 pm

nasiru wrote:
^ hehe sgtkurtz , lepas ni takleh naik pangkat da la. :p

mod cold war crisis tu aku da uninstall lagipun lekat2 kat pc aku main pasal pc tak power. Sempat la merasa semua unit US dan USSR. Cuma yang pelik Buk aa system taknak tembak pulak .. bug kot.

Lepas tu main mid east crisis . adui la .. memang tak best langsung.. haha... Try download gak la tengok bliztkrieg 2 tu .. harap2 sempat siap la Smile

mod Cold War Crisis tu dah update sampai versi terkini x???update tu adalah dlm 800MB+~~mod perang Vietnam dah main x???cuma setakat skrng mod perang Vietnam tu ada pihak USA je lah~pihak Vietnam Utara dan Viet Cong belum release lagi~~perang Vietnam tu mcm biasalah taktik dia,perang dalam hutan tebal,beli infantry banyak2,hantar infantry pakai helikopter2 pengangkut,disokong oleh tembakan artileri 105mm semasa hendak memusnahkan pangkalan musuh~tu x termasuk sokongan serangan mortar dari bot2 dan kapal2 peronda sungai~mmg Vietnam style lah~gi download mod tu kt bawah ni.Mod Middle East Crisis 2 utk C&C 3 Tiberium Wars dah cuba main x??

Mod Vietnam | Glory Obscured

Mod Middle East Crisis 2 utk C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed May 26, 2010 9:52 pm

Mod Mideast tuk CnC3 masih dalam development lagik, tapi smooth gak gameplay dier. Capture the point, memang innovatif depa neh.

Guardian of Islam lawan Israel, memang gempak la. Balanced gameplay lak tu.

time ni menyesal tak beli game ori CnC3 aritu. CnC4 macam sial lak...tapi main jugak, tehehe Very Happy
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tomcat tiram
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptySun May 30, 2010 10:03 pm


korang de link x mane nak download game ni???
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tomcat tiram
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptySun May 30, 2010 10:06 pm

generalkiva wrote:
nasiru wrote:

selepas beberapa jam download dan install .. dapat gak merasa yang mod cold war crisis tu . Memang banyak benda tambah tapi kena main capture2 strategic point untuk dapat supply, macam company of heroes . Memang beza la sikit gameplay dia . untuk yang berminat cara aku install semua tu . ni langkah yang aku buat :

1.install general
2.install zero hour
3. patch general 1.08
4.patch zero hour dari 1.02 ke 1.04
5.install mod
7.uninstall mod? pasal gameplay beza ? lol... Laughing
tima kasih bro...kalau install biasa takle rumit2...bila dah masuk mod/patch cara dia rumit sket...ini kira ok la... kalau PES2010 lagi le rumit...huhu Sad

ko pandai buat patch PES2010 bro??
aku x paham la nak wat...

p/s..pakai dvd RM10 je
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 8:46 am

SgtKurtz wrote:

konsep defense mode Jerman cara aku;
1. buat 3 88 MM berlainan tempat namun fokuskan crossing bridge
2. setup bunker MG dan bunker medical
3. mortar team 2
4. Stuka Zu Fuss 1...takpun jenis 6 barrel 3 team...tuh bila kuarkan roket dier, boleh kucarkacirkan serangan
5. 1 platoon biasa utk backup
6. sniper utk scout
7. tank barricade dan land mines...

part tulah paling best...mmg best kene tapau cam cibai...tgk pantulan peluru meriam...mmg best

yg britain nye belum penah try...

britian punyer kena pakai 3 meriam kalu ko nak ambik royal artillery.. satu meriam bantuan.. 3 meriam anti tank dan 2 meriam AA. lagi satu british punyer command center boleh berubah tempat
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 11:14 am

tomcat tiram wrote:
generalkiva wrote:
nasiru wrote:

selepas beberapa jam download dan install .. dapat gak merasa yang mod cold war crisis tu . Memang banyak benda tambah tapi kena main capture2 strategic point untuk dapat supply, macam company of heroes . Memang beza la sikit gameplay dia . untuk yang berminat cara aku install semua tu . ni langkah yang aku buat :

1.install general
2.install zero hour
3. patch general 1.08
4.patch zero hour dari 1.02 ke 1.04
5.install mod
7.uninstall mod? pasal gameplay beza ? lol... Laughing
tima kasih bro...kalau install biasa takle rumit2...bila dah masuk mod/patch cara dia rumit sket...ini kira ok la... kalau PES2010 lagi le rumit...huhu Sad

ko pandai buat patch PES2010 bro??
aku x paham la nak wat...

p/s..pakai dvd RM10 je
Ish...takde le pandai buat patch PES bro...jumpa kat blog ni je ... best gak tukar pasukan Iran jadi pasukan malaysia...leh belasah MU Very Happy
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 11:24 am

SgtKurtz wrote:
aku ade CD C&C Project Raptor gak main....aku suka pilih Airforce General sbb ade bunker buster bom...

dan maka dengan rasminya....dapat title Sergeant....ngam ngan nickname aku
aku pun dapat title general dari game ni Razz
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 11:34 am


maksud saya ialah posting dh cecah title Sergeant....bukan dari game yg saya cakap tuh...lolz
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 11:44 am

SgtKurtz wrote:

maksud saya ialah posting dh cecah title Sergeant....bukan dari game yg saya cakap tuh...lolz
ops...salah paham...hehe Very Happy
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyMon May 31, 2010 12:18 pm

sedang dibakar dengan FlameThrower MejB.......huarrgggghhhh....
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 6:23 am

ikansadinmknorang wrote:
ffuuhh..ak main lg game ni skang..walaupun da ol skool dan x secanggih world in conflict atau c&c 3 tp game ni kira all time favourite dlm family ak pas starcraft...serius....

kalau battle ngan adik aku...ak pkai airforce lwn infantry general...x menang tgn aku...haha....

good game...

"congratulations have been promoted...."

wah.. tuan sardin main lagi yer starcraft2?... isk isk isk... old giler tu.... tp antara game RTS yg paling best zaman dlu2 tuh... sya pong minat gok... tp skang ni men warzone2100 jek... takde laa sepower game2 lain.. tp tu jek yg mampu den install lam laptop teman..
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 9:51 am

Penat je download Cold War Crisis , takleh install plak...huhu Sad

Ade tempat lain tak nak amik? Sad
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 10:35 am

sewa server luar dan cari installer melalui rapidshare dan etc...

asal x leh run pulak, apa error yg dia cakap...

kiva; jum C n C....ko duk mana?
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 10:40 am

Tah macam software corrupt ja...nak kena cari lain la plak...huhu Sad ....

aku dok penang la bro...kat rumah takde tenet susah le Sad

...,ini pun curi2 download kat opis ... Razz
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 11:01 am

apa kata ko sewa server luar....aku boleh rekemon ko yg terbaiknye lah...aku selalu guna server luar nie utk download game, blu-ray, hdtv, tv series, lagu dan sebagainye lah

sewa bulanan dlm rm30 shj....jika ko nak lah, ko ade ID forum lowyat x?
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 11:05 am

kalau ada sewa server luar...tapi aku takde intenet pun tak guna gak bro Sad

aku ada ID lowyat ler... Razz
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 11:51 am

ko gune server office utk download file tuh dr server luar...ehem; since ko ade ID lowyat maka aku forward link dr dia...ko boleh tanya ngan dia memacam soalan ko nak, dan dia akan jawabkan utk ko aaaa

dan aku sentiasa guna server ofice dan server celcom broadband utk download file dar server sewa...

nie link dia;

pemiliknye dia nama nickname ialah Without...aku dh guna service dia dlm 5 bulan lebih, so far mmg puas hati
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 1:36 pm

ok...tenkiu bro...akan dipertimbangkan kelak Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 3:37 pm

no problem...dan satu lagi apa lowyat ID ko? hehehe

aku nye lebih kurang sama ngan ID kat sini...cuma tittle tak sama
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyTue Jun 08, 2010 5:01 pm

aku pakai zarcon_t ....hehe ;D
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 9:46 am

Yang ni error aku...dah penat aku cuba segala CWC installer yang aku bole download...semua error sama...need advise please...

c&c general - Page 3 Cwcerr

Nak kata spec aku tak ok...game2 baru semua bole main...huhu Sad
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Oberstgruppenfuhrer Anwar
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:20 am

nak saya hantarkan installer CWC k??bak meh alamat rumah~~


generalkiva wrote:
Yang ni error aku...dah penat aku cuba segala CWC installer yang aku bole download...semua error sama...need advise please...

c&c general - Page 3 Cwcerr

Nak kata spec aku tak ok...game2 baru semua bole main...huhu Sad

lah~masalah ni,kadang2 saya pun mcm ni gak~ada install mod lain x??~x leh install dua mod dlm satu game~cuba reinstall balik Zero Hour tu,lepas tu install CWC~

Last edited by Oberstgruppenfuhrer Anwar on Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sergeant Major of the Army
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:21 am

Oberstgruppenfuhrer Anwar wrote:
nak saya hantarkan installer CWC k??bak meh alamat rumah~~
Rasa2 installer macam ok...tahle apa yang tak kene Sad
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Oberstgruppenfuhrer Anwar
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:22 am

generalkiva wrote:
Yang ni error aku...dah penat aku cuba segala CWC installer yang aku bole download...semua error sama...need advise please...

c&c general - Page 3 Cwcerr

Nak kata spec aku tak ok...game2 baru semua bole main...huhu Sad

lah~masalah ni,kadang2 saya pun mcm ni gak~ada install mod lain x??~x leh install dua mod dlm satu game~cuba reinstall balik Zero Hour tu,lepas tu install CWC~
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PostSubject: Re: c&c general   c&c general - Page 3 EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:25 am

Nanti balik rumah baru leh try lagi Sad

...install zero hour je Sad
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